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Avoid queues and minimize the risk of infection thanks to the slot booking module

Posted by Michael Marti on May 16, 2020 6:25:00 PM




Queues are always a hassle for your guests and in times of Corona they can even be a health hazard. Therefore, we would like to show you how you can control your customer flow "Just in Time" thanks to slot bookings and avoid unnecessary waiting times or crowds of people.


The TICKETINO slot booking module is a proven tool that has been used for years for events. It can be individually configured on request.




In the basic version, it presents itself to the customer as a booking solution in which a date can first be selected in a calendar view:


MuseumSlot MockUp_1

Available slots are then displayed, which can be selected.


MuseumSlot MockUp_2

As soon as a slot is selected, the customer is redirected to the booking page, where he or she can find further information, enter his or her personal details and then book, pay if necessary and finally download, send or print out the ticket.


MuseumSlot MockUp_3


In the background, in the TICKETINO system, the individual slots are recorded as events. In this way, contingents, ticket prices and other parameters can be set continuously and individually. Also helpful at this point is the event copy function, with which individual slots can be duplicated with just a few clicks.


The application possibilities of the TICKETINO slot booking module are very diverse. One example:

  • You run a museum in which a maximum of 50 people is supposed to stay. Whether due to official restrictions or because of the capacity of the location does not matter at this point.
  • You assume that your visitors need 50 minutes to view the exhibition.
  • You would like to avoid long queues in front of your location, which are not customer-friendly and might violate official regulations.

To illustrate this scenario, you can simply integrate the TICKETINO slot booking module on your homepage. There, your customers can choose their preferred date and time with just a few clicks and book their admission. In the background, an event is created every hour during opening hours. This gives you 10 minutes to clear the location and air it out. Thanks to the generated ticket, your customers now know exactly when they should visit your location, so there are no waiting times or crowds. Since every slot is recorded as an event, you can simply scan the tickets on site and always have an overview of how many people are at your location. In addition, the address data of your visitors is available in the system in case you need to find them afterwards or if the authorities require this information from you.


More application examples:

  • Vaccination centres with fixed capacity
  • Shopping centres (ticket price = 0, so it is a registration only)
  • Fitness centre
  • wellness oasis, sauna, indoor swimming pool
  • Restaurants
  • etc.

The following existing booking modules can be viewed if you are interested:





Are you interested in your own booking module? Then contact us without obligation at marketing@ticketino.com and a specialized project manager will contact you afterwards to clarify your requirements for the software.


Topics: TICKETINO News, Tipps und Tricks, Aktuelle Meldungen, Gästemanagement, Einlasskontrolle


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